Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Short Summer Back in Canada

After a productive two-week stay at the NICS Pre-Field Orientation in Southaven, Mississippi, we returned to Alberta on July 4. It has been sooooooo good to see friends and acquaintances again, although it seems a little strange to be back in an English-speaking environment again. You know you've been in Germany for a while when you accidentally bump into someone in a department store here in Canada, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is...."Entschuldigung"....instead of "Excuse Me". Hopefully that's a precursor to more successful communication in German next year.

So, for the time being, we are enjoying finishing up all of our errands, and visiting with our family and friends.....not the least of whom is our delightful grandson Finn(eas).....he's just so much fun! August 6th will see us take the big silver bird back to Deutschland, in preparation for a new year of school which starts on August 18th.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, everyone!

Cam and Jennifer